Fire Tips

The risk associated with fire is significantly influenced by fluctuating and variable rainfall cycles.

Around the home, take these precautions:

  • Trim vegetation / veld grass up to 30m from dwellings;
  • Remove dead and dry plants, trees, shrubs, excess leaves, plant parts, and low hanging branches around structures;
  • Create fire safe zones using stone walls, patio’s, swimming pools, decks and road ways;
  • Stack fire wood and other inflammable at least 10m away from buildings;
  • Liquids should be stored in purpose manufactured metal containers;
  • Provide sufficient fire extinguishing and supplementary equipment;
  • Ensure all Fire Fighting equipment is regularly checked, serviced and in working order;
  • Gas installations should be clear of combustibles and conform to the prescribed installation standards.

In the area:

  • Create and maintain adequate Fire Breaks (a fire break will not stop a fire with a strong wind behind it; fire breaks give access to fire fighters and an opportunity to intervene);
  • Join or form a local Fire Prevention Association, allowing for more structured and organised responses to fire risk;
  • Form a fire response team;
  • Ensure workers are fully equipped and regularly trained;
  • Hold regular training drills for emergency fire response and evacuation of guests;
  • Elect a fire chief and take instruction when fighting fires.