• Mammals

    of the Crocodile River Reserve

    Chacma Baboon

Mammals of the Crocodile River Reserve

It is a sad fact that many indigenous mammal species are now scarce or absent from urban areas in Gauteng because of the ever expanding urban sprawl. Open areas of veldt are sliced up into smaller tracts of land to accommodate new buildings and houses, and natural habitats and greenbelts or  wildlife corridors become fragmented and uninhabitable for many species.

Mammals have important roles in the food webs of practically every ecosystem, and herbivores, insectivores, carnivores and omnivores can feed at various levels of food chains.

Herbivores such as rabbits and buck are the primary consumers which feed on plant material and are prey to numerous omnivores and carnivores.

Omnivores such as moles, shrews, mice and porcupine feed on a wide variety of plant and animal matter and can function as both predator and prey in an ecosystem.

Carnivores such as Jackal, meerkats, mongoose and hyena feed on other animals and can be essential in the population control of other species. Predators most often prey upon old, weak, or diseased animals, which assists to maintain the health of the prey population.

The Crocodile River Reserve has 3,500 hectares of grassland that is largely undisturbed and is capable of supporting local wildlife, allowing species to move freely, forage for food and breed in their natural environment.


Mammal Species

Mammals Found In The Reserve:

Black-Backed Jackal
Cape Clawless Otter
Cape Porupine
Common Duiker
Common Mole Rat
Four Striped Mouse
House Rat
Large Spotted Genet
Least Dwarf Shrew
Mountain Reedbuck
Multimammate Mouse
Scrub Hare
Slender Mongoose
South African Hedgehog
Water Mongoose
Yellow Mongoose

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